Conference week 7 - Luck

This year heralds our 7th annual conference week event and we have an outstanding selection of guest speakers from the world of Graphic Design, Illustration & Advertising who have all kindly agreed to come into our studios here in Preston.

With it being our 7th annual event, this years theme is based around the 'role of chance & luck within the design process'. The week commences Monday the 12th of February running through until Friday the 16th.

The week is kicked off by Gary Holt, founder & creative director of Someone - London followed by Mark Elwood, executive creative director of Mullenlowe - London.

On the Tuesday we have Karen Hughes, founder & creative director of Edit Brand Studio - Manchester who will be teaming up with Rachel Simpson, founder & creative director of Bird - Preston. Then in the afternoon we welcome artist, illustrator & writer Paul Davis.

Wednesday sees the traditional visit of Paul Crowley and the BBC UX&D team from Salford. This will be their fifth year at conference week. They will be running a series of workshops that give our students an insight into how they approach idea generation.

Thursday is somewhat of a show stopper as we have two double-headers. In the morning we have Garry Blackburn & Simon Elliott, co-founders & creative directors of Rose Design - London. Followed by Jim Sutherland founder of Studio Sutherl& as well as copywriter and poet Nick Asbury, partner at Asbury & Asbury.

Also, in the evening we have a special screening of Design Disruptors at The Continental public house hosted in conjunction with Forepoint, Creative Lancashire & UCLan.

Then if that were not enough we round the week off with Ben Tallon, illustrator, art-director and host of the podcast series Arrest All Mimics, followed by Jack Renwick, founder & creative director of Jack Renwick Studio - London.

All talks will start at either 11am or 2pm daily, but we advise you to take your seats early to avoid disappointment. It just remains for us to say watch this space for more information as and when we get it.

You lucky people!