6 of The Best - D&AD Nominations 2021

2021 has been a vintage year for the Graphics Course here at Preston, not only did we scoop 6 nominations in 6 separate categories in this yeas D&AD Global Student Awards, but these nominations now take our 20 year tally to a remarkable 180 student D&AD successes.

This grand total only covers the past 20 years and with the D&AD student programme initially starting in 1980 this means there is another previous 20 years of student success that can be added to the current tally of 180! After consulting the archives and a few old sagely tutors, we now estimate that the Graphics course has amassed probably in the region of 300 + D&AD awards since the schemes inception.

A quite remarkable statistic and one that bares testament to the ideas based philosophy which is at the heart of the course of study here at Preston. These accolades bare witness to this tired and tested creative thinking philosophy that runs deep and one that has helped the course gain such a revered reputation and renown, both in educational and professional circles. Here’s to the next 20!

No.1 of our six nominees is Agatha Blazey’s response to the Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard brand refresh.

The JAr Label
The Jar labels - Ephemeral feel

The Jar labels - Ephemeral feel

The Label Type Anatomy

The Label Type Anatomy

No. 2 of our six nominees is Dom Dzik’s response to the Spotify Brief.

No.3 of our six nominations is Sarah Gregory’s response to the Fossil Brief.

No.4 of our six nominees is Agatha Blazey again with her response to the GiffGaff Brief.

No.5 of six nominees is by Will Davies and is in response to the Tesco brief.

No.6 in the last of our series of nominees is a joint effort by Ryan Boyes, Joe Leeny & Dom Dzik again with their response to the Rare Brief

Good luck everyone on the evening of the 8th July when the winners will be announced.