Our (other) man in The Dam

Last week, Year 1 Graphics student Max Greer headed to Amsterdam. Amongst the many pleasures the city has to offer, Max visited one of my favourite places in the world - the Stedelijk Museum - which houses vast collections of the world’s best art and design. He kindly took the time out to write us the following blog. Thanks Max!


A city of Tulips and Type

The Stedelijk Museum is an architectural spectacle located in the heart of the museum district in Amsterdam. It features modern artists and graphic designers of the highest level, both up-and-coming and giants of the industry. I was fortunate enough to visit it and see the art for myself and there was one exhibition that stood out. Wim Crouwel (1928-2019), was a Dutch graphic designer and typographer whose practice was that of a master level. There was a whole section dedicated to his work, which featured original posters, catalogues, designs and in-depth videos on all aspects of his career. In the images you can see the way he created his font ‘New Alphabet’ using grids and carefully measuring each piece of type to perfection. Though these images don’t justify the sheer wonder of his work. To all graphic designers, typographers and type designers this a must visit, you shall not be disappointed and will leave inspired!


If you’re in Amsterdam and you’d like to check the exhibition out, all the information is here.