Generation Adidas

Here we feature a Creative Conscience Award winner from 2018 by Andy, Nathan & Troy with their concept of communal energy generation in partnership with Adidas.

Sometimes a word has two meanings

Sometimes a word has two meanings

Click to play

The Adidas three strips used as a graphic devise

The Adidas three strips used as a graphic devise

Black& White photography with a green glowing focus point.

Black& White photography with a green glowing focus point.

In context - Poster 1

In context - Poster 1

In context - Poster 2

In context - Poster 2

In context - Poster 3

In context - Poster 3

The mechanics

The mechanics

Energy storing wristband concept

Energy storing wristband concept

App - Personal data recorded, stored & shared

App - Personal data recorded, stored & shared

merch 2.jpg
Heat sensitive touch points

Heat sensitive touch points

Environment - Landmarks around London light up to show support

Environment - Landmarks around London light up to show support

Environment - Communal sporting facilities powered by electricity generated

Environment - Communal sporting facilities powered by electricity generated


An excellent example of a well thought through concept based on a clever word play and backed up with a clear, distinct and appropriate visual look and feel.